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Schlawe, L., 1994. Illustrationen nach dem Leben (ndL) aus dem Zoologischen Garten zu Berlin. Bongo, Berlin 23: 35-62

Location: World
Subject: Culture - Art
Species: All Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
The first rhinoceros, since 1870 in the zoo of Berlin, was the young female black rhinoceros ?Molly', 75 cm high, shown on a woodcut after the painter C. Steffeck.
Somewhat later Peters made a portrait available to Sclater (1876, made by Muetzel ?).
The form of the horns was sketched by Meyerheim and Leutemann, less clearly by Muetzel.
The first Indian rhinoceros is just indicated by Meyerheim in 1871/72 (see Heikamp 1980). Soon there were other conspecifics in the garden (in the 1880s three at the same time), shown by Muetzel and Kuhnert. Meyerheim lithographed the animals at rest (H. d. K.) and used of these a study of the head for the woodcut of a matingsgame (LIZ 1881) with a horn which was certainly not observed.
H.d.K. = Bibliothek Bildende K?nste, Hochschule der K?nste, Berlin
LIZ - Leipziger Illustrirte Zeitung.
Smalian, K., 1908/09. Leitfaden der Tierkunde.

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