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Zyl, L. van, 1968. White rhino arrive at Manyeleti. African Wildlife 23 (4): 340-341, fig. 1

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Six white rhino were recently received at the Manyeleti Game Reserve for Bantu. They were a gift from the Natal Parks Board. In response to a request for a progress report the manager of Manyeleti, Mr. L. van Zyl, sent the following account of the arrival of the animals.
The rhino were caught by using the drug M99, of which one-third of a cubic centimetre, was used per 1,000 lb. of body weight. Six and fourteen hours after capture, the rhinos were injected with 1 cc and 2 cc acetyl promazine per 1,000 lb. body weight respectively as a tranquilliser. On arrival at Manyeleti they were treated with Triplopen, an antibiotic, to prevent any possible infection.
All the rhino arrived in excellent condition. They were still a little drugged, but lively enough to run out of their crates after some persuasion. They were turned loose in pairs (cow and bull).
They all settled down quickly except for one young heifer who broke out of the bomas and the reserve. We trailed her for almost three weeks on foot before we found her. She travelled up to 30 miles per day. We managed to capture her by using a helicopter.
The rhino receive a ration of cut grass and lucerne. They prefer the lucerne to the grass.
The rhino are quite tame, except for one of the big bulls. They allow you quite close and even feed and drink when you are in the vicinity. It seems as if they have adapted themselves well to their new home. We hope to turn them loose from the bomas at the end of October or during November.

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