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Rookmaaker, L.C., 1999. National White Rhino Policy: Report of a meeting. REF News no. 22: 2

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: African Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
White Rhino Policy. The Rhino Management Group facilitated a meeting of governmental and private stakeholders, held at Itala Game Reserve, 23-24 March 1999. Meeting chaied by Dr Martin Brooks. The participants worked harmoniously towards a common goal and produced a draft `Strategy for the Conservation and Sustanaible Use of wild populations of southern white rhino in South Africa.' The formulation of the policy is necessary, first because the white rhino is `conservation dependent' on IUCN's red list. Secondly, the international animal rights movement is attempting to prevent all forms of sustainable use of wild animals, which has proven the backbone of white rhino increase. Third, the draft gives a framework to guide rhino managers and international proposals to CITES and elsewhere need to be supported by national policy statements.

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