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Edroma, E.L., 1982. White rhino extinct in Uganda. Oryx 16 (4): 352-355, map 1, table 1

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Uganda
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
In 1956 the Game Department and the National Parks considered introducing the species into Kabalega Falls National Park, where strict protection was assured, and in March 1961 ten animals were taken there. Four of the ten died, but in June 1964 six more were successfully translocated. These 12 animals were the nucleus of a population considered to be the only hope for the species' survival in Uganda. In the next ten years they multiplied, and by 1974 there were at least 30. By 1967 there were 18 in Kabalega Falls National Park. In an aerial elephant count in December 1978 the author recorded 13 rhinoceroses in Kabalega Falls Park, and they were still there in April 1979 (Mr Paul Ssali, pers. comm.).
* = numbers in Kabalega Falls NP only, after translocation of 10 in March 1961 and 6 in June 1964 from Ajai game reserve.
1961, 6 (Savidge 1961)
1964, 12 (Foster 1967)
1967, 18 (Foster 1967)
1974, 30 (KFNP)
1977, 16 (KFNP)
1978, 13 (Edroma 1980)
Apr 1979, 13 (Chief Warden P.Sali-Naluma, pers.comm)
Jan 1980, 2 (Chief Warden A. Labongo, pers.comm)
Feb 1980, 0 (E.L.Edroma)
Jul 1980, 0 (E.L.Edroma)

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