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Westerman, J.H., 1939. Natuur in Zuid- en Oost-Borneo: fauna, flora en natuur-bescherming in de zuider- en ooster-afdeeling van Borneo.. Verslag van de Nederlandsch Indische Vereeniging tot Natuurbescherming 11: 334-367

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Sumatran Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Rhinos occur in East Kutai, in the hills between central Koetai and the Makasser Street. Witkamp (1932) concludes that the species probably is just as rare here as in the central mountain range. Recent reports are equally pessimistic. Let us hope that the animal will live in the national park between the Sangatta and Santan rivers and continue to exist. According to Witkamp, rhinos only occurred in Kutai north of the parallel across Moeara Antjaloeng; at present this border lies further to the north. For East Kutai, the Mahakam would be the southern edge. However, Keller (1932) reported the rhino in the source area of the Sg. Kambodja and Sg. Nangka (ca 30 km south of Samarinda and 30 km from the coast). It is of course possible that this is a stray from the Gn. Loenag area on the border between Hoeloe Soengei, Pasir and the Upper Doesoen country, where rhinos exist.

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