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Witkamp, H., 1932. Het voorkomen van eenige diersoorten in het landschap Koetai. Tropische Natuur 21 (10): 167-177, map 1

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Sumatran Rhino

Original text on this topic:
In Kutai, the wide Mahakam River is a divide, south of which the rhino does not occur. For the upper reaches of the river, where it is much narrower, i.e. in the subdivision of Boven-Mahakam, this is no longer correct. Rhinos occur in the mpountains on the upper reaches of the rivers Belajan, Klindjau, Tel?n and wahau, that is a region bordering the Apokajan and Beraoe, but in continuously diminishing numbers. In the mountains near the source of the Telen, visited in 1925 by the Midden-Oost-Borneo expedition, only scarce tracks were found, partly at 2000 m high, and we found the same on the upper reach of the Atan, a tributary of the Klindjau.
Strangely enough, rhinos were still relatively common, at least until about six years ago, in the mountains separating the Kedang Rantau and the Telen on one side and the Strait of Makassar on the other side, and this even at about 50-60 km north of Samarinda, that is quite close to the town, like on the Upper Separi, the upper Karangmoemoes and the upper Koetailama, all small tributaries of the Mahakam. In this region, which we visited in 1905-1907, rhino paths were relatively numerous, as were dung heaps, similar to those of elephants, but smaller in size. About 1905 a young Swiss geologist killed a young rhino in this area, but we were never fortunate enough to encounter a rhinoceros.

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