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Natal Parks Board, 1941. Zululand Report of the Game Reserves and Parks Board for the year ended 31st March, 1941. Journal of the Society for the Preservation of the Fauna of the Empire 43: 35-41

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Distribution - Status
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
As is well known, numbers of white rhino wander from the Umfolozi Reserve and corridor at certain times, particularly when the grazing within the Reserve is not good. The Board considered it advisable to arrange for Game Guards to be specially employed in keeping a watch upon these animals when they wander outside the reserve.
During February 1941, the patrol reported the presence of 34 white rhino in Mahlabatini area (Native Reserve). These animals appear to have taken up their abode in that area, and efforts to drive them to the Umfolozi Reserve proved of no avail. Although during periodical droughts in the Umfolozi Reserve the animals have in the past wandered into the surrounding country, particularly into the corridor, the Game Conservator is of the opinion that the activity in connection with the tse tse fly operations is responsible for the animals wandering further afield than before. This matter is mentioned in support of the Board's plea for the provision of a permanent home for these animals as soon as circumstances permit.

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