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Hall-Martin, A., 1979. Black rhinoceros in Southern Africa. Oryx 15 (1): 26-32, figs. 1-2, table 1

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis, an endangered species listed in the IUCN Red Data Book, has had a sad history in South Africa and South-West Africa/Namibia. Once it was widespread in suitable habitat throughout these territories (except the Highveld grasslands, the arid Kalahari regions and the Namib Desert); but in the 19th century it was exterminated over the greater part of its southern African range. The last one in the Cape Province was shot near Addo in December 1853; in the Orange Free State the last one had been shot in 1842. In the Transvaal a few animals survived in the Lowveld areas of the present day Kruger National Park; the last living one was seen in 1936, and it is certain that by 1945 the black rhinoceros was extinct in the province.

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