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Spinage, C.A., 1986. The rhinos of the Central African Republic. Pachyderm 6: 10-13

Location: Africa - Western Africa - Central African Republic
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Lavauden's map has for long been taken as representing the distibution of the northern white rhino, but may not be entirely accurate. Shortly before his death in 1979, M. Etienne Cannone (a French hunter who went out to Tchad at the age of eighteen and is credited with killing over a hundred black rhino on the Aouk River) informed M. Lefol that he had also shot about a dozen white rhino in this region, or the Doseo, Mya and Keita tributaries, probably about 1936/7 (Lefol pers comm. 1985). This report extends the range of the white rhino 135 km further west than that indicated by Lavauden. Furthermore, if the pair of horns which Denham and Clapperton brought back from the southeast of Lake Tchad in 1824 (Malbrant, 1952; Bovill, 1966) are indeed those of a white rhino from Gaulfey (latitude 12' 25'N longitude l4'50' E), then the range clearly extended even further west in this region. Denham recorded the white rhino to be

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