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Lever, C., 1990. Lake Nakuru black rhinoceros sanctuary. Oryx 24 (2): 90-94, figs. 1-4, map 1

Location: World
Subject: Organisations
Species: All Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
In an attempt to stem this disastrous decline, the Rhino Rescue Charitable Appeal Trust was formed in England in December 1985, under the presidency of HRH Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands. The aim of the Trust is to help the government of Kenya achieve the objective of its rhino conservation strategy plan to build fenced sanctuaries for the beleaguered animals.
In March 1986 an appeal was launched in the House of Lords in London; this proved so successful that within a year sufficient funds had been raised to begin construction of the first sanctuary. The site chosen was the Lake Nakuru National Park in the central Rift Valley, 140 km north-west of Nairobi.

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