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Tun Yin, U, 1954. A note on the position of rhinoceros in the Union of Burma (1953). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 52 (1): 83-87

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Myanmar (Burma)
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Rhinoceros sondaicus. In 1939-40 the Game Warden (F.J. Mustell) received information that a Rhinoceros with calf was seen by Karen villagers in their taungyas at the foot of the Kyaiktyo Hill. The villagers' descriptions closely corresponds with the Javan Rhino. These two animals were reported to be frequenting the environs of Kyaiktiyo pogoda up to the year ending 30 Sep 1949. There area has since been under occupation by Karen insurgents and no further information is available.

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