user: pass:

Witkamp, J., 1932. Wildreservaten in Koetai. Verslag van de Nederlandsch Indische Vereeniging tot Natuurbescherming 1929-1931: 84-86, fig. 11

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Sumatran Rhino

Original text on this topic:
in the South and East province of Kalimantan. Rhinoceros live on the slopes of the mountains along the border and also in the mountainous forets of the subdivisions of Tidoengsche Landen, Boelongan, Apo-Kajan, Beraoe, West Koetia, Pasir, Tandjong and Kota Waringin. The distribution is wide but numbers very low. Through hunting, their numbers decrease and the animals are forced to move further into the interior and the mountains. Their existence is much threatened in the subdivisions of Beraoe, Pasir, Tandjong and Kwala Koeroen. They have disappeared from Martapoera, where they used to occur recently.

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