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Gee, E.P., 1959. Report on a survey of the rhinoceros areas of Nepal, March and April 1959. Oryx 5 (2): 53-85, pls. 1-13, maps 1-3

Location: Asia - South Asia - Nepal
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The following recommandations are made:
(1) That the present Mahendra National Park be enlarged and extended (a) southwards to include the migration routes and rhinoceros areas as far as the Reu valley, and (b) north-westwards to include the scenic area in the north-west. And that this national park be fully protected with buffer belts where possible.
2) That the riverain tracts of the Narayani, Rapti, and Reu rivers which contain rhinoceros be designated as National Park Extension Areas or Protected Areas, with rights of local villagers for grazing, cutting firewood, and cutting thatch to continue as before, but to remain free of settlement and cultivation.
(3) That a wild life sanctuary or national park be created in a suitable area in the Morang District of southeast Nepal in order to preserve the few remaining wild buffalo there; and that a few pairs of rhino be re-introduced into that area so that there will bc a second locality for the preservation of the rhinoceros in Nepal.
(4) That the Rhinoceros Protection Department be strengthened, chiefly by reorganization and by improvement of service conditions, as noted in Section VII. And that a suitably qualified officer be appointed, who could assume complete charge of wild life preservation in the rhino area, including the national park.
(5) That a Nepal Board for Wild Life be constituted which would be the authority for all matters pertaining to wild life preservation in the country.
(6) That education and publicity be undertaken in order to develop consciousness among the people of the cultural and economic value of wild life and nature conservation, and to develop tourism as an important economic factor in support of wild life preservation.

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