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Oloo, T., 1997. Rhino poaching in the Maasai Mara. Pachyderm 24: 65

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Subject: Distribution - Poaching
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Two poaching incidents, the first since 1992. One black rhino was killed near Ole Tokoshi. The animal survived for one week, was treated for the bullet wound, but died from gunshot damage to critical organs in abdominal and thoracic areas. Horns remained intact. Second rhino was found dead 1 km from the Sand River, without horns. Both sites are outside the Reserve. Bullets originated from a 30-06 rifle, not in official use by Kenya Wildlife service, the General Services Unit, Police nor Maasai Mara anti-poaching units. Both rhinos were known residents in the Mara, but regularly moved into Serengeti.

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