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Jarman, P.J., 1972. The use of drinking sites, wallows and salt licks by herbivores in the flooded Middle Zambezi Valley. East African Wildlife Journal 10: 193-209, tables 1-11

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - Zimbabwe
Subject: Distribution - Status
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
When the dam in the kariba Gorge was closed in December 1958 the waters of the Zambezi River rose to fill the upper part of the Middle Zambezi Valley, forming Lake Kariba. In the process about 5500 km? of land were flooded, along 240 km of the valley. The lake reached full storage level in late 1963.
Diceros bicornis did not use the flood plain as a normal, dry season feeding area, but apparently needs to drink in the dry season, and rhino were recorded crossing the flood plains to drink at the Zambezi.

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