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Loch, C.W., 1937. Rhinoceros sondaicus: the Javan or lesser one-horned rhinoceros and its geographical distribution. Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 15 (2): 130-149, pls. 3-4, table 1

Location: Asia - South Asia - India
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Rhinoceros sondaicus. In the Sunderbans delta, only a short journey from Calcutta, it was to be found in the swamps and marshy flats. The last tracks of the animal were seen here about 1887 so that by 1890 it had probably died out. In 1877 a young one, a female three feet high was brought to London where it soon died. This was the last to be captured alive in Bengal. There are in the Indian Museum, Calcutta, two mounted specimens; both female animals from the Sunderbans shot in 1872 and 1874 by Messrs. O. L. Fraser and J. Barckley respectively; the latter is said to be the last taken in the district. A skeleton is in the possession of the Calcutta Museum from near Jessore; and also other trophies from various or unknown localities.
In an interesting book by Colonel Pollock and W. S. Thom 'Wild Sports of Burma and Assam' many references to the existence of the Javan rhinoceros occur. Pollock writes:
' I have never shot the lesser rhinoceros on the right bank of the Brahmapootra but I have no doubt it exists, as it is also found in the Soonderbunds not far from Calcutta ; but it is fairly plentiful on the left bank South of Goalparah, where I have killed it.'

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