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Tun Yin, U, 1955. Wild life preservation in Burma. Oryx 3 (2): 89-98, map 1

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Myanmar (Burma)
Subject: Distribution - Status
Species: Asian Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
In 1939 it was estimated that the sanctuary contained 12 or 15 Sumatran rhinos. In April 1948 the tracks of one, and a month old spoor of a cow with a calf at heel were seen. In May 1948 one was seen and the Divisional forest Officer came to the conclusion that 4 or 5 were surviving. In 1952 the writer was reliably informed that 3 Sumatran rhino had been shot within the reserve. One under a special permit issued to the Maha Devi for whom a physician had prescribed a `rhino blood bath.' Two others by the Shan hunters who had been entrusted with shooting the first.
The few surviving specimens are constantly harassed by poachers. This sanctuary is often disturbed by the presence of insurgents inside its boiundaries. The legend that the mountain spirits of Shwe-u-daung do not like the poachers is no longer heeded by the people in the neighbourhood of the sanctuary.

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