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Avari, E.D., 1957. The Jaldapara Game Sanctuary, West Bengal. Journal of the Bengal Natural History Society 29 (3): 65-68, pls. 1-2

Location: Asia - South Asia - India
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The Sanctuary named as such in the early thirties of the present century, has had during its existence an extremely chequered career. Poaching was rampant in the same decade. Swarms of Assamese and Mech poachers, locally known as 'Palawans' crossed over into Bengal, and using cheap Bhutan made Muzzle loading guns thinned the Rhino population to such an extent that at one period not more than a dozen animals were believed to have been in the area. The Rhino, however, has managed to hold its own against severe odds and with the renewed interest in its welfare shown by the Government and sportsmen since Independence has considerably increased in number. A rough estimate of the population at the moment would be about fifty, which, considering the small area of the sanctuary can be deemed satisfactory. It is doubtful if it can support a larger population, since the cantankerous nature of the Bull and the numerous fights which develop as a result causes quite a number of deaths. These fights usually start over the favours of a female during the breeding season. In recent years quite a number of Rhino calves have been seen in the sanctuary. Rhinos feed mostly at night, normally on grass and the type of food mentioned earlier, but in areas where cultivation adjoins the sanctuary, they do feed off paddy and other crops when these are in season. During the day they retire to the thickest cover within the'Sanctuary.

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