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Latest References
Rookmaaker, L.C., 2024. The discovery and naming of the Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) after 1793, with details of the Rhinoceros Sumatricus of Bertuch (1805) and Wilhelm (1808). Evolutionary Systematics 8 (2): 155-165 -


Oord, L.van, 2014. Albrecht en wij (Roman). Amsterdam, Cossee, pp. 1-248

Beemen, O. van, 2024. Ondernemers in het wild: het ontluisterende verhaal van een club van witte weldoeners in Afrika. Amsterdam, Prometheus, pp. 1-328

Ferreira, S.; Goodman, P..; Balfour, D.; Vigne, L.; Knight, M.; Mosweu, K., 2024. Conservation impacts and the future of the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis). African Journal of Wildlife Research 54 (1): 81-91 -


International Rhino Keeper Association, 2024. Various notes. The Crash Summer 2024: 1-12


Mammal Society, 2024. A summer's read: The Rhinoceros of South Asia. Mammal News 2024: 23


Affholder, O.; Antoine, P.A.; Beck, R.M.D., 2024. The “Diahot Tooth” is a Miocene rhinocerotid fossil brought by humans to New Caledonia. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 31:27: 1-13 -


Ridinger, J.E.; Ridinger, Martin E.; Ridinger, Johann J., 1768. Das in seiner grossen Mannigfaltigkeit und in seinen schönen Farben nach Original-Zeichnungen geschilderte Thier-Reich. [Augsburg, Martin Engelbrecht], (issued without title-page)


Kamalakannan, M.; Venkatraman, K., 2017. A checklist of mammals of India. Kolkata, Zoological Survey of India (Fauna of India Checklist), pp. 1-70


Kriznar, M.; Preisinger, D., 2017. Novo najdisce pleistocenske sesalske favne v kamnolomu pri Crnem Kalu (Primorska, Slovenija) ter problematika zascite in ohranjanja najdisc v kamnolomih [New Pleistocene mammal site in Crni Kal quarry (Primorska region, Slovenia) with discussion on problems of protection and preservation of fossil sites in quarries] [in Slovenian, English summary]. Geologija, Ljubljana 60/1: 87-97, 5 figs, DOI: 10.5474/geologija.2017.007


Power, R.J., 2024. Daan Buijs 1960–2024. African Journal of Wildlife Research 54 (1): 92-93 -


Kriznar, M., 2023. Nova ostanka hladnodobnih pleistocenskih sesalcev v Sloveniji: Dlakavi nosorog Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach, 1799) in rosomah Gulo gulo (Linnaeus, 1758) [New record of cold-adapted Pleistocene mammals in Slovenia: Woolly rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach, 1799) and wolverine Gulo gulo (Linnaeus, 1758)] [in Slovenian]. Poster, 26. Posvetovanje Slovenskih Geologov, Ljubljana


Hitij, T.; Polak, S.; Billia, E.M.E., 2023. Najdisca gozdnega ali merkovega nosoroga Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) v kamnolomu Crni Kal [Sites of forest or Merck’s rhinoceros, Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839), in the Crni Kal quarry] [in Slovenian]. Geološki Zbornik, Rasprave-Porocila, Ljubljana 26/1: pp. 54-58, 2 figs

Kiley-Worthington, M., 2024. Communication in a group of semi-captive black rhino (Diceros bicornis): a reconsideration of their cognition and social organization. Journal of Animal Research & Veterinary Science 8 (061): 1-8 - DOI:10.24966/ARVS-3751/100061


Appeltant, R.; Hermes, R.; Holtze, S.; Hildebrandt, T.B.; Williams, S.A., 2024. Follicle-like and other novel structures found in ovaries of aged white rhinoceroses and their potential impact on oocyte recovery rate. Theriogenology Wild 5 (100096): 1-12 -


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