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Carino's References
Welcome to the CARINO reference collection.

CARINO was created by Henri Carpentier, a graduate of the “Ecole des Mines” in Paris, who worked in many countries throughout the world. Since his retirement, Henri got better acquainted with different teams of the “Ecole des Mines” in Paris, more especially those of its Museum of Mineralogy, one of the most important in the world with collections amounting to 100,000 samples. At the end of his activity at the Museum of Mineralogy, Henri searched for a similar study task in the field of zoology. Looking for emblematic but imperfectly known animals, pertaining to a limited number of species and occupying an endangered position at the planet’s scale, he was rapidly led to choose Rhinos.

At Henri's request Michel Kremer designed a specialized software package well adapted to research work of this kind. The software was dubbed CARINO. The primary object was to evaluate rhino populations in time. The aim was to discover all mentions of rhinos: in travel stories, exploration of unknown territories, hunting expeditions, geographical studies, etc.

Recently all the collected information has been examined and transferred into the RRC.

Read more about Carino in the Carino Story.

Kremer, M., 2017. Obituary of Henri Carpentier (1923-2017). Internet page, pp. 1-3


Smith, V.A., 1917. Akbar, the great mogul 1542-1605. Oxford, Clarendon Press


Tiran , G., 1929. La grande chasse en Indochine - Guide du chasseur, Bureau du tourisme. Saigon

Combanaire, A., 1993. Au pays des coupeurs de tĂŞtes. Paris

Neis, P., 1879. Excursion chez les MoĂŻs de l'arrondissement de Baria: Excursions & reconnaissances Cochinchine. Excursions et Reconnaissances (Hanoi) 6, 405-435


Trial, G., 1955. Dix ans de chasse au Gabon. Paris, Crépin-Leblond & Cie

Monfreid,, 1942. Le lépreux. Paris, Grasset

Gosselin, 1900. Le Laos et le protectorat français. Paris, Perrin & Cie


Groslier, B.-P., 1956. Angkor. Paris, Arthaud

Mercier, A., 1951. Route sauvage - Le raid Le Cap Alger Paris. Paris, Amiot-Dumont

Alberti, J.-B., 1934. L' Indochine d'autrefois et d'aujourd'hui - (1887 & 1934). Paris, Editions maritimes & coloniales

Willock, C., 1974. La grande faille d' Afrique. Paris, Editiond Time-Life Amsterdam

Abadie, M., 1927. La colonie du Niger - Afrique centrale. Paris, Ed. géog/marit/colo

Massenet, H., 2007. Eventuelle réapparition de Rhinocéros en Ethiopie. Paris, Nouvelles éditions de l'Université Paris

Lebrun, H., 1851. Voyage en Abyssinie et en Nubie. Tours, Alfred Mame et Fils


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