user: pass:
Rapp 1780
Rapp 1780
Italian Buffon 1772 horns
Italian Buffo...
Clock 1770
Clock 1770
Knorr 1767 deliciae
Knorr 1767 ...
Buffon 1764
Buffon 1764
Parsons 1764 Dictionary of Arts
Parsons 1764...
Dodd 1761
Dodd 1761
Allegori of America 1760
Allegori of ...
Watson 1755
Watson 1755
Pauw 1752
Pauw 1752
Wonders 1750
Wonders 1750
Meissen 1750
Meissen 1750
Rhino clock
Rhino clock
Ladvocat 1748
Ladvocat 1748
Ladvocat 1749
Ladvocat 1749
Sloane Bezoar 1749
Sloane Bezoar...
Universal Magazine after Gaspar Schott
Universal Mag...
Noah and the Flood
Noah and the...
Reinhard 1748
Reinhard 1748
Clara 1748
Clara 1748
J.B. Homann 1747
J.B. Homann 1747
Homann 1747
Homann 1747
Clara 1747
Clara 1747
Coetlogon 1746
Coetlogon 1746
Kolb 1745
Kolb 1745
Adam and Eve in paradise
Adam and Eve...
Harris 1764
Harris 1764
Parsons 1743
Parsons 1743

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