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Image details from the RRC Image Gallery:
A Paraceratherium sp skull
Image Details:

A Paraceratherium sp skull

Author: unknown
Year: 1930
Description: A Paraceratherium sp skull from an unknown museum collection. Paraceratherium was an extinct genus of hornless rhinocerotoids lived during the Oligocene and one of the largest terrestrial mammals never existed. Paraceratherium is a synonym with Baluchitherium Forster-Cooper, 1913, Indricotherium Borissiak, 1916, Aralotherium Borisyak, 1939 Pristinotherium Birkjukov, 1953, Dzungariotherium Chiu, 1973, and Benaratherium Gabunia, 1955.
Location: World
Subject: Museums
Species: Fossil
File Size: 127,3 kb
Dimensions: 1080x740 px
High-res: This image is protected and you can not download the high-res version To view the high resolution image please register and contact the moderator

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