Posts: 111
Joined: Oct 26th - 08:27
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Posted: Aug 14 2011, 03:34 AM |
World Rhino Day http://peterdickinson.hubpages.c...World-Rhino-Day
World Rhino Day takes place every year on the 22nd September. The aim of the day is to draw the worlds attention to the plight of one of the largest land animals, a creature with which we have shared our planet for aeon's. The Rhino, the Rhinoceros is in trouble, big trouble and it really is possible that it will disappear in the wild within the next twenty years. Not only are these magnificent animals brutally slaughtered by poachers but are commercially exploited as well. It is only by taking action, by letting people know what is happening and why that we have any chance of helping the Rhino at all. So important is it that not only do we have World Rhino Day but we have 'Save The Rhino Day' as well. This takes place on the 1st May each year.
And don't forget. The Rhino Resource Center is a charity and needs funds to continue the work to collect all knowledge about the rhinoceros and make it available easily to all rhino researchers.
-------------------- Kees Rookmaaker
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