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Posted: Apr 8 2008, 09:30 PM |
I am looking for ideas on mixed-species exhibits with black rhino. I have heard of a few, but thought I would see if anyone has an idea I have not heard yet. I remember hearing about a zoo that mixed griffon vultures with rhinos, but for the life of me I can not remember what zoo it was, so if anyone knows where that is I would love to contact them for more information. Our new exhibit will probably not be much larger than 1/2 acre, so most larger species are not going to work. Thanks
Cassandra Sampson Great Plains Zoo Sioux Falls, SD
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Posted: Apr 13 2008, 04:07 AM |
We've had a few pairs of larger birds, like egyptian geese, that co-habitate with our blacks. There is a young bull that thinks it's great fun to chase them on cool spring days, but he never makes a real effort to catch them and there are a few elevated planters and logs that can keep the birds out of reach. We try to keep them in the female's exhibit but they keep finding their way back, so I suppose it doesn't bother them too much. I've seen an exhibit...somewhere?...that housed whites with smaller hoofstock like tommy's and warthogs. If I remember they used bollard-log type roundabouts that the little guys could get between but the rhinos could not. It might have been New Orleans. I would agree the small space might limit your options, though. Best of luck and let us know if you come up with anything that works well.
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Posted: Apr 26 2008, 03:30 AM |
I know at Disney's Animal Kingdom the black rhino exhibits house their black rhinos alone with no mixed species. Their white rhinos are on exhibit with oryxes, bontebok, ostrich and zebra. The exhibit is about 18/20ish acres. I know the socialibility of black rhinos and white rhinos are different, but that might help??
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Posted: Apr 27 2008, 02:34 PM |
It is Audobon that houses White Rhinos with other hoofstock, and nyukitx is correct that they use little escape areas that the rhinos can not fit.
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Posted: Jun 21 2008, 07:15 PM |
At the Toronto Zoo, there are White Rhinos with zebras and another one I can't remember. The best animals to be in enclosures with rhinos are other african herbivores that have a similar diet to rhinos and will play with them.
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Posted: Jul 19 2008, 11:37 AM |
We mix our 6 white rhino with american bison, eland, camel, guanaco, ostrich and congo buffalo. They're on a 150 acre paddock.
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Posted: Aug 12 2008, 11:34 AM |
Well I can't help you with the black rhino, because sadly I have never seen one. But in Madrid Zoo (Spain) they their white rhonos with dorcas or Cuvier's gazelle, I can't remeber well which of these species was it. And in Safari Madrid, also in Spain, they have a small herd of white rhinos with hamadryas baboons, black bears and river hippos.
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