Lou Keeley
New User

Posts: 2
Joined: May 6th - 14:50
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Posted: Oct 31 2009, 11:00 PM |
Hello all,
About a month ago I sent out a survey to all North American zoos, and I am now posting it here. I am hoping to get more replies, so if you work in an institution currently holding black rhino, I would greatly appreciate it if you took the time to answer this survey. Thank you very much 
Dear curator, keeper, or rhino expert,
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. These data will be used to study the impact that exhibit wallows have on skin health of captive black rhinos. This project is being conducted for my completion of Michigan State University's Zoo and Aquarium Management proMSc program, and I am also working with Mr. Gerry Brady, Director of Potter Park Zoo, to help improve plans of the zoo?s new black rhino exhibit. Everyone who takes part in this survey will receive the final report from this study.
To complete survey by email, copy this post to an email (or fill it out and repost) and type an 'x' within parenthesis of appropriate questions [e.g. ( x )], and type answers within brackets of appropriate questions [e.g. { 50 %}]. A Microsoft Word version of this survey is attached if one wishes to complete and send a hard copy by mail. Please submit no later than December 15, 2009. Once again, thank you for your time and effort.
If applicable, please fill out a survey for each individual rhino.
A. Sex and Age
1. Sex: Male ( ) Female ( )
2. Age: { }
B. Wallow Questions
3. Does the rhino have access to any type of muddy wallow? (If not, skip to Part C)
· Yes ( ) No ( )
4. Are there multiple wallows in the exhibit?
· Yes ( ) No ( )
· If yes, how many? { }
5. How is the wallow constructed? (?x? all that apply)
· Excavated manually from exhibit?s topsoil? ( )
· Concrete based? ( )
· Created naturally by rain or water run-off? ( )
· Other? (Please describe) { }
6. What are the wallow?s approximate dimensions? (Length x Width x Depth)
· { }
7. Is the wallow equipped with any type of drainage or filtration system?
· Yes ( ) No ( )
· If yes, please provide details: { }
8. What is the approximate location of the wallow in the exhibit? (Select the best option)
· Centrally in exhibit ( )
· Perimeter of exhibit ( )
· In a moat ( )
9. About what percentage of the day is the wallow shaded? { %}
10. Is a wallow available to the rhino throughout the year?
· Yes ( ) No ( )
· If not, during what months is a wallow available? { }
11. What is the estimated time the rhino spends resting or bathing in the wallow per day? { hrs}
12. What period(s) of the day does the rhino usually wallow? (?x? all that apply)
· Early-morning (6-9am) ( )
· Late-morning (9-12am) ( )
· Afternoon (12-3pm) ( )
· Late afternoon (3-6pm) ( )
· Evening (6-9pm) ( )
· Night (9pm-6am) ( )
If possible, please email an electronic photo(s) of the wallow(s)
C. Skin Health Questions
13. Does the rhino have any current or past skin conditions (lesions, sores, ulcers, etc.)? (If not, skip to question #17)
· Yes ( ) No ( )
· If yes, specify the type and estimated length of time the rhino has had the condition(s). Please specify if it is a chronic condition: { }
14. During which months has the condition(s) mostly occurred?
· { }
15. Did condition occur with a wallow available?
· Yes ( ) No ( )
16. How was the condition(s) treated? Please be as specific as possible.
· { }
17. Does the rhino receive any daily/regular skin health treatments (mineral bath, water bath, mud pack, etc.)?
· Yes ( ) No ( )
· If yes, specify the treatment and the schedule of treatment administration: { }
18. Is the exhibit routinely sprayed with some type of insecticide/pesticide?
· Yes ( ) No ( )
· If yes, during what months and how many times per month is the exhibit treated?
{ }
19. Does the rhino display any stereotypical behavior (pacing, mouthing, etc.)?
· Yes ( ) No ( )
· If yes, what is the behavior(s) and what percentage of its day is spent displaying the behavior(s)? { }
Please submit no later than December 15th to:
Lou Keeley: keeleylo@msu.edu
Thank you very much for your time and effort.
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