Posted: Jan 8 2009, 11:48 PM |
I'm a university student studying Animal Management and i am doing a presentation on the conservation of the Black Rhino. I need to discuss the accommodation requirements for Rhinos involved in a captive breeding programme, including what would be a good example for housing a rhino, as well as what would be bad. So if anyone could tell me any general needs such as enclosure size, materials, bedding enrichment etc. I would very much appreciate it. It would also be useful to know what is a definate 'no no' in the keeping of Rhinos and if anyone knows of any unsuccessful captive breeding programmes that have occured in the past. Much thanks in advance!
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Posted: Mar 4 2009, 02:28 PM |
I think that the first step you should take is to review a resource for your bibliography. The best printed resource is the "Rhinoceros Husbandry Recource Manual." printed for the American Zoo and Aqarium Association Rhino Taxonomic Advisory Group and the International Rhino Foundation. 1996, Forth Worth Zoological Park. This will have much of the information that you are looking for. If you have questions beyond what is in print check back with us on this forum.
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Posted: Mar 5 2009, 06:12 PM |
Husbandry manuals are very useful and important tools. The one mentioned in the last post is available here: Husbandry Manual
-------------------- Kees Rookmaaker
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Posted: Jul 9 2009, 09:03 PM |
Hi, thats right, all what you need you will find in Husbandry guidelines for black rhinoceros. For European region contact Mark Pilgrim from Chester Zoo, UK. He is EEP coordinator for this species. He will hepl you.
-------------------- Jiri Hruby Curator of ungulates ZOO Dvur Kralove CZECH REPUBLIC
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