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White Rhino Eye Problems.

New User

Posts: 8
Mar 31st - 20:40

Posted: Jul 19 2008, 12:20 PM
To all;

Has anyone experience of discharge from the eyes of rhino?

I look after a female that has this problem every year, around summer time and it gets worse on hotter drier days.

Is it riddiculous to say hay fever?

I have added a photo.

User Attached Image Download Piglets_eye_left_1.JPG ( Number of downloads: 909 )


New User

Posts: 1
Aug 12th - 01:22

Posted: Aug 12 2008, 01:27 AM

We have a pair of female rhinos that have the same problem and I have also worked with 1.1 White rhinos at my previous institution that have all had this problem in various degrees of severity. We have been able to determine that the issue is either caused by or aggrevated by flies and warmer weather that usually increases the amount of flies around. We have been sucessful in managing the problem with a fly ointment applied around the eye, the brand that we use is V.I.P.

Hope this helps!

- Lanny

New User

Posts: 8
Mar 31st - 20:40

Posted: Aug 12 2008, 03:47 PM
Thank you very much, I will speak to the vet about that product.

With all the wet weather we have had it hasn't been so bad lately.

Thank you.

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