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Joined: Aug 28th - 19:33
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Posted: Aug 28 2008, 07:41 PM |
I am the Director of US Operations For Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force. I am seeking an expert in Captive Black Rhinos for over all information on care health & diet . Also statistically information with regards to this issue. I can be reached at us_zctf@yahoo.com I prefer someone who works in the field with research. Also someone who could ascess a black eastern rhino female age 22, with regards to over all health via video footage and photos as well as observation reports. I suspect she is sick and has been for sometime. Thank You Karrie D Kern
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Posts: 98
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Posted: Aug 28 2008, 09:33 PM |
Thanks for joining the forums and posting your message. I did however remove your duplicate posts from the other categories. I hope you understand.
Kind regards,
-------------------- Willem van Strien - Rhino Resource Center Admin
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New User

Posts: 7
Joined: Aug 28th - 19:33
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Posted: Aug 29 2008, 05:31 AM |
Thank you for the welcome, Yes I understand, I just thought posting it in other area,s might get me the person I am seeking. Thanks Karrie Kern Director of US Operations Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force
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