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Rhino scales

Advanced Member

Posts: 35
Aug 3rd - 16:50

Posted: Dec 19 2007, 09:59 PM
Hey everyone,
I would like to know if anyone has a scale they use to weigh their rhinos that they really like.
We weigh our rhinos monthly, but have to use a portable hoofstock scale. It is so touchy, and jumps around by hundreds of pounds with just a little shifting of their feet. It is nearly impossible to get them completely centered for an accurate weight. We will probably be investing in a new scale next year and I would like some input on what everyone else uses.
We will also be building a new rhino building in a few years, and I'm wondering about putting in a permanent floor scale. Does anyone use these? Do you think they're worth it?


Cassandra Sampson
Great Plains Zoo
Sioux Falls, SD

New User

Posts: 3
Jun 21st - 07:07

Posted: Jun 24 2008, 02:08 PM
We had built a permanent floor scale in our white rhinos building. It's installed under the ground of passing chute between outdoor and indoor enclosure with roof shield. We can limit the rhino stay in the chute to weigh or do animal training and so on. It's really helpful to monitor their weight.

Advanced Member

Posts: 35
Aug 3rd - 16:50

Posted: Jul 15 2008, 10:50 PM
Do you have to worry about your scale getting wet? It sounds like yours is outside. We will have to have ours inside the barn, but it will be in a chute or squeeze. Do you know what brand your scale is, and possibly how much it cost?
Cassandra Sampson


Cassandra Sampson
Great Plains Zoo
Sioux Falls, SD

New User

Posts: 3
Jun 21st - 07:07

Posted: Aug 3 2008, 02:57 PM
Our scale is located in the passing chute under visitors sidewalk. It's a semi-open space and our contractor said it's basically waterproof. The scale company is "Sun Scale", I think it's come from Taiwan. We also used the scale in our elephant and bison enclosure. I can't tell you how much it costs exactly, but I guess it is about 8,000~10,000 US dollars. I have sent a photography about the rhino scale.


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Advanced Member

Posts: 35
Aug 3rd - 16:50

Posted: Aug 5 2008, 01:44 PM
Thanks for the specifics. It's very helpful.


Cassandra Sampson
Great Plains Zoo
Sioux Falls, SD


Posts: 13
Jun 19th - 06:22

Posted: Jun 28 2010, 10:02 AM

Young, thanks for a great blog post -- it will be really interesting to see what happens...

There's no doubt that the CPG/big marketers will have to look more seriously at online media as a more significant part of their media planning -- it's where the eyeballs are. We, as an online media industry, need to work with these firms and their agencies to provide the path that allows them to see how online can more effectively work for them vs. their existing options. And, frankly, we've done a poor job of that so far.

As you point out, to say that brand marketers don't use metrics and analysis to judge their media spend effectiveness is naive. I know a lot of brand management and agency execs, and the analysis they do (as you rightly point out) is significant and very much tied/compared to financial business results.

I do think that the "answer" will end up being a combination of existing offline and online media metric analysis that leverages the best of both -- reach/frequency/GRP from offline with measurable engagement metrics from online. All with a healthy dose of a better audit/confirmation trail on where a brand marketer's online ads are actually showing up.

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