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Chitwan NP, Nepal

New User

Posts: 1
Jan 6th - 14:05

Posted: Jan 6 2009, 02:15 PM
Hi. For my first post, I wanted to see if any other readers have visited the Chitwan National Park in Nepal and seen rhinos there.

We went in, er, 2002, I think, and stayed at Tiger Tops Lodge - had a fantastic time being the only people there after the Elephant Polo World Cup had finished, and saw plenty of Greater One-Horned (Indian) Rhinos from elephant-back, plus the lodge's "own" orphan rhino Mangal, who was then about 9 months old, I think.

Does anyone have any news of Mangal, or of how the rhino population in Chitwan is going in the current Nepalese situation?

New User

Posts: 9
Apr 3rd - 21:47

Posted: May 11 2011, 02:19 AM
I'm not sure, but I read a book a while back called The Soul of the Rhino by Hemanta Mishra. It's about his works in Nepal conserving rhinos, especially in Chitwan.

New User

Posts: 9
Apr 3rd - 21:47

Posted: May 11 2011, 02:49 AM
I just read that there is a rhino census in Nepal that went from April 5-30. Is it too soon or are there any results in that count? Thanks, and I look forward to good news.

New User

Posts: 5
Jun 3rd - 21:31

Posted: May 11 2011, 10:58 AM
The figures came out very soon: According to the 2011 rhino census there are 503 rhinos in Chitwan N.P. ,24 in Bardiya N.P. and 7 in Shuklaphanta Wildlife Reserve in Nepal.

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