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Posted: Dec 9 2007, 08:48 AM |
I know they are not im just debating on a thread about rhino vs hippo and this guy keeps on saying rhinos are poor figters what do you all think
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Posted: Dec 30 2007, 01:01 PM |
I think an angry rhino can be very dangerous indeed and capable of seriously wounding or even killing a lion! So I wouldn't say they are poor fighters.
A charging rhino is like a military tank with lots of kilos and huge horns to back it up.
When I was in Namibia I saw two black rhinos charging each other at a waterhole at night just a couple of meters away. I think they weren't seriously fighting though. But still the force involved was quite frightening.
I read black rhinos are usually a bit more agressive than the larger whites. Whites are generally more docile. But if threatened or angry, they can inflict serious damage or even death to a lot of animals...
Speaking of rhino vs. hippo: hippos cause a lot of human deaths in Africa each year (numbering in the hundreds from what I've read). A lot more than rhinos do. Hippos can become very agressive towards humans, espacially when the human is situated between them and their escape to water. They look like sweet blubbery cuddlies, but their weight, teeth and speed (they can easily outrun a human!) make them extremely dangerous to man. But even though rhinos don't cause that many human deaths, doesn't mean they are poor fighters.
I wouldn't want to be chased by any of them to be honest
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Posted: Jan 7 2008, 07:32 AM |
While staying in a camp site in Matusadonna National Park, Zimbabwe, a few hours after dark, my wife and I heard an altercation between a feeding hippo and a black rhino (who had a calf). After some verbal disagreement and what sounded like some body contact, the hippo went charging off back towards the lake. This is obviously a black rhino with calf. We could not see the relative size of the hippo, but were suitably concerned because our tent was between the hippo and the water (with plenty of room either side, assuming the hippo was looking where it was going, which luckily it was).
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Posted: Jan 10 2008, 01:19 AM |
As you are posting in the White Rhino Forum, I understand you are talking about White Rhinos and their agression/fighting skills.
I believe a White Rhino would rather move out of the way of coflict or at least put on a show before actually attacking. Black Rhinos on the other hand, are much more aggresive and as stated by Tom and Duncan are much more likely to attack another animal. In wich case a Black Rhino would certainly gain the overhand from any (single) African animal, except an Elephant.
White Rhinos would too, but an actual fight is much more unlikely.
-------------------- Willem van Strien - Rhino Resource Center Admin
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