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Posted: Jun 21 2008, 06:56 PM |
Seems to be too late sorry to say. Really depressing...
However the news of the black rhino and the southern white are absolutely brilliant.
Any news from your rhino herd? Anything new in their management to try to get them to breed? Is the Berlin team still around?
Most grateful for your inside informations
Very Best Wishes
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Posted: Jun 23 2008, 05:45 PM |
It is sad that usually media titles do not accurately reflect its content. The title infers the 3-4 individuals remaining in 2006 have been hunted.
Yet the story is: quote [The northern white rhino, Ceratotherium simum cottoni, has been struggling for suvival since the 1970s, when numbers dropped from about 500 to 15. A slight recovery was recorded in 2003 when 30 were counted but by 2006 only four were left. All of them were recorded in the Garamba National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo but war and civil unrest in the region has led to an increase in poachers.
“Worryingly, recent fieldwork has so far failed to find any presence of these four remaining rhinos,” Dr Martin Brooks, a rhino specialist with the IUCN, said. “Unless animals are found during the intensive surveys that are planned under the direction of the African Parks Foundation the subspecies may be doomed to extinction.”] unquote
The taxon is thus not demonstrated to be extinct, but feared extinct following widespread poaching in Garamba. Only further and more intensive surveys over both the rainy and dry seasons in Garamba will provide accurate information about their (non-)existence at present.
However, I will admit that their future in the wild is might bleak and the situation with no breeding since 2000 in the last captive individuals makes me feel very uncomfortable for the species. Best not to loose hope .....!
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Posted: Jul 6 2008, 09:50 AM |
Hi all
Found this from April 18th 2008:
"Captive rhinos at heart of breeding programme
Further to your report on the bid to save rare animal species (17 April), I would like to add that this groundbreaking research concept allows the inclusion of infertile, captive northern white rhinos in a breeding programme and even permits frozen cell samples from dead individuals to be used. I'd like to emphasise that due to the high-tech approach the only animals that will be involved are the remaining captive northern white rhinos in two zoos and not individuals living in the wild. The final goal is to create a stabile captive northern white rhino population.
The major advantage of the procedure is that only skin samples of the northern white rhinos are required. These will be joined with embryos of their southern counterpart to produce pure sperm and eggs derived from the northern white rhino.
Institute for Zoo & Wildlife"
Well some hope there! HE is a great man.
Best wishes
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Posted: Jul 22 2008, 08:15 PM |
Hot off topic Garamba for June (APF):
QUOTE{ Conservation Revision of the new strategy for the rhinos search. This time, in addition of departments of Monitoring (reinforced with trackers specialized in rhinos) aerial and rangers, the community department is going to try to work with the people living around the park.
Targets for July - Beginning of rhino search program, phase 2. } UNQOUTE
They have not yet given up on C. simum cottoni!
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Posted: Aug 15 2008, 09:09 PM |
African Parks Foundation's July Report released.
Search for Northern Whites continue.
Keep updated through their monthly reports at:
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Posted: Oct 12 2008, 12:51 PM |
A rhino researcher is currently training and on patrol with the rangers in Garamba. Despite just under 1600 hours of patrolling in September 2008 no rhino sign.
For October the 2 Kenyan rhino trackers are due to arrive. I actually stayed at their reserve, but the September travel was adjourned till the next month.
I become less hopeful of any positive rhino sign given the search since April 2008 has not given anything. Still I suppose surveys should continue in a systematic manner for another 6-8 months before we could safely say the northern white taxon is extinct in the wild.
Keep fingers crossed (and also for the AI/NI at Dvur)!
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Posted: Nov 22 2008, 02:59 PM |
Dear Irek
Hope things are good.
Any news from the northern white rhinos at your zoo?
Best Wishes
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Posted: Nov 22 2008, 07:38 PM |
QUOTE (mario @ Aug 15 2008, 09:09 PM) | African Parks Foundation's July Report released.
Search for Northern Whites continue.
Keep updated through their monthly reports at:
www.african-parks.org |
The october report is now avail at http://www.african-parks.org
re: the search for the Northern Whites in Garamba N.P
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Posted: Aug 10 2009, 12:29 PM |
The Northern White Rhino is extinct in the Wild and the only 4 fertile animals are to be moved to Kenya where it is hoped that they will be stimulated to breed under natural conditions. We believe that the chances now for the Northerns White Rhino to breed are very slim.
We have a proposal for the survival of the Northern White Rhino. For now this is not official but there are several people advocating this plan.
We are advocating the creation of subspecific hybrids with Southern White Rhinos through artificial insemination of Southern females with Northern semen. Artificial insemination has worked to produce pure Southerns. It has so far failed in Northerns.
This is the quickest and cheapest way to produce a large number of animals containing Northern DNA. It is hoped that these subspecific hybrids could be used to rebreed or recreate the Northern White Rhino in future.
We would be very happy if pure Northerns were born too, especially for their mtDNA component, as this would be lacking in subspecific hybrids between male Northerns and female Southerns.
We are already raising funds for this innitiative.
Please reply here or email rhino_help@live.co.za. with your thoughts or for more information.
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Posted: Aug 11 2009, 06:39 PM |
Hi, do you know when exactly the Dvur Kralove animals are being moved to Kenya? Is it certain that that will happen or is it an option? Exactly how many animals are left in Dvur Kralove? Sorry about all the questions, but I'm not finding any info on the internet about this decision.
Thank you very much!
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Posted: Aug 12 2009, 06:17 AM |
You can find the story on the 'Back to Africa' website. Fauna and Flora International and Back to Africa and Dvur Kralove are working together on this. As far as I can tell they do not yet have enough money to move the animals - it is a very expensive opperation, and dangerous.
We suggested the money could be better spent on artificial insemination of Southern females.
However we do realise that a natural setting is probably the best option for them to breed naturaly. And we do need pure Northerns to be born in order to save the mtDNA component.
Artificial insemination into Southerns would only ensure the survival of the male lines.
The only other option is cloning which has been done with other endangered animals. But it seems people would rather they become extinct than use this option for 'ethical reasons'. Also cloning is very expensive.
The diff between Southern and Northern DNA is about 4% (Guerin, 1980). So subspecific Hybrids would have 98% Northern DNA. If by chance some pure Northerns were born - then they could be mated with the subspecific hybrids to produce animals with 99% Northen DNA (range 98% - 100%).
There are over 17 400 Southern White Rhinos (IUCN, 2008). So even one hundred Southern females being inseminated with Northern sperm would not make a significant impact on the Survival of the Southern subspecies. Infact the Southerns are descended from a founder group of perhaps only 30 individuals - so the diversity in Northern DNA could be crucial to the long term survival of the White Rhino as a species.
Furthermore any remains of Northern White Rhinos found in the Wild or from deceased specimens in zoos should be preserved - DNA can be extracted from these long dead bones as a rcord of the DNA component of the Northern White Rhino for future reference. (Even 40 000 year old Neanderthal bones still have DNA in them!)
I have not given up hope for the Northern White Rhino.
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Posted: Dec 13 2009, 01:58 PM |
Short note: The northern white rhino in Zoo Dvur Kralove (2.2) are due for a planned shipment to Kenya on December 19. An old 0.1 will remain for animal welfare reasons.
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Posted: Dec 16 2009, 07:02 AM |
Hello Here's Irek. I've just back from Dvur Kralove. Yes- 4 northern white rhinos will be sent to Ol Pejeta in Kenia this Saturday (males: Sudan, Suni and females: Najin, Fatu). In Dvur will stay female Nesari- she's too weak, to old for transport and female Nabire- she isn't able to be pregnant (but she produce egg cells what IZW will try to use in the future). Rhinos are trained to go into the crates. Front horns were cut.
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Posted: Dec 19 2009, 02:28 PM |
Wow that's terrific news (I hope). I hope all animals will enjoy their space and protection in their warm homecountry. Maybe, just maybe, it will trigger breeding. I hope tranportation goes well.
Please keep us posted if there's any news about the translocation.
Thank you!
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