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Posted: Jan 20 2008, 09:28 PM |
Thanks for the link Irek,
Those Northern White look very 'northern' in that snow.
Do they behave differently once that snow falls??
-------------------- Willem van Strien - Rhino Resource Center Admin
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Posted: Jan 23 2008, 07:59 PM |
I would say that their behaviour is normal. They lie under the roof on sand. They walk, look for a mud under the snow. Like during the summer.
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Posted: Jan 23 2008, 08:12 PM |
OK. You asked about future plans. Main zoologist let me write about his idea. He things that there is no hope for reproduction in Dvur (next narcosis can have bad influence on their health). He would like to send almost all of them (condition is criterion) to Uganda (I don't know where exactly). It would be large fenced area. People who'd like to look at them would pay for it and money would go for rhino conservation somewhere. IZW team told that they could work in that case. They could even try another AI there. May be that relocation would stimulate animals. It isn't for 100%, that's only idea right now. But if future has to be black for that subspecies it is better to give them that peace of freedom before... Probably some (all) of You are shocked.
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Posted: Jan 23 2008, 08:54 PM |
Thanks Irek
Why not? But would need to happen before it is to late for both females to have calves. However will be very risky in terms of infectious diseases. The males are very old though? Please keep us informed.
Best Wishes
Thanks allot
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Posted: Jan 23 2008, 09:24 PM |
Hi Irek,
Thank you for the news, although it's a bit chilling.The clock is really ticking for that subspecies now, isn't it? So the only hope left is natural mating in Africa or a very slim chance they will try AI again in Africa. So if that's the plan, better sooner than later I would think. Maybe the animals will reproduce naturally when they are in a (more or less) free natural environment? But on the other hand, they have lived in captivity for so long, it's probably a long shot...
If only it was possible to relocate those few remaining animals from Garamba to the same fenced area. Maybe some new blood would stimulate them to give it a shot. But i'm afraid I'm dreaming out loud...
Keep us posted ok? I really appreciate your inside information.
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Posted: Jan 24 2008, 02:08 AM |
There are some people suggesting crossbreading http://www.zoobeat.com/9/short-n....html#post35186 the northern and southern whites before re-introducing them. This may reduce the risk of infectious diseases, but skilled vets and a good quarantine might do the trick aswell. Is crossbreeding a solution?
Crossbreeding Southern and Northern Whites as they suggest in the discusion (link) above might help the translocation, but will the Northern Whites then remain a different species?
Irek, what is your oppinion about their genetic differences and crossbreeding?
-------------------- Willem van Strien - Rhino Resource Center Admin
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Posted: Jan 25 2008, 06:01 PM |
It will be MY and ONLY MY idea: crossbreeding could be a way of preservation of northern white genes. We will loose pure subspecies (probably we will loose it without hybridization), we will get line (look at history of Bizon bonansus conservation: http://books.google.com/books?id...8vI99k#PPA30,M1 ). Northern white's genes could better adopt hybrids to Uganda, DRC climate and local diseases. In pure captive population there were 3 founders (2 males, 1 female) now only (probably) 3-4 animals are able to reproduce (all related). 2 unrelated animals in SDWAP are to old for transport, may be to old for another narcosis, 1 unrelated female in Dvur is also to old for baby. But if we could start crossbreeding we could use a semen of northern males in any zoos in the world. We could create southern white female heard in Dvur or SDWAP with Northern males. We could use a semen of southern white to AI Northern white females. There is many possibilities. Or we could agree that northern females would be AI only with northern white semen or mated only by Northern bulls. Of course it is only another idea. This time my own. I am glad You did not kill me and Dvur Kralove main zoologist for his idea. There was a huge storm over it yesterday and day before in Czech newspaper and tv. Yesterday in one Czech newspaper there was info that there is peace in south-eastern part of DRC- may be ti is hope for Northern white subspecies? Best regards for all
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Posted: Jan 26 2008, 08:15 PM |
Thanks allot for your feedback Irek.
Very nice to know someone with the inside informations.
Interested to know what the "media storm" was actually about? I know there was allot of excitement in your home country around the last northern white rhino birth in 2000.
Personally I think one should try to keep the northern white rhinos pure for now if at all possible, but if not possible then their genes could (possible) be helpful for the southern white population.
I know there is always risks involved in sedating wild animals, but my impression is that the Berlin team are very experienced. They have done a brilliant work with asian elephants around Europe and managed 3 southern white rhino pregnancyes in Budapest.
It is a big risk balance exercise. There are allot of risks involved in moving the animals back to Africa and time is a very important factor in the whole equation. For the Northern white rhinoceros time is sadly running out...
Well I am far from a specialist in this area.
Thanks allot
Best Wishes
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Posted: Jan 28 2008, 06:42 PM |
Hello Feddi In newspaper was information that Zoo Dvur Kralove wants to send northern white rhinos to Africa. I don't know what was the source of their information. They contacted with former and actual EEP white rhino coordinator. Actual coordinator was against it, told that he won't give permition for that, that something more is hiden (money). At the end told if Dvur did it it would loose its EAZA membership like Hodenhagen Zoo. So once more: 1. right now it is only idea. 2. if they back to Africa only animals in good condition will go there (those who can be transported without bigger risk). 3. Dvur won't get money for rhinos and all money which animals earn in Africa will be spent on rhino conservation in-situ.
I know that Berliners had succes in Budapest 3 time (few days ago they made AI in Bratislava Zoo) but they have tried AI in Dvur 5 time together without good results. May be someone know how many time they have inseminated female in Budapest to get all those pregnancies? Best regards Irek
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Posted: Jan 30 2008, 07:35 PM |
Dear Irek
Thanks allot for your responce. I am not sure how many times they had to attempt AI in Hungary before finally succseeding. They have though produced a paber on this.
I know the team in Cincinnati had several attempts before finally one of the two females Indian rhinoceros fell pregnant. Guess it will take several attempts?
All the Best
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Posted: Feb 6 2008, 07:37 PM |
I was under the impression that Dvur maintained the white rhino Species Coordinatorship under Kristina Tomasova. Has there been a roll call change recently?
I personally do not have much against a planned relocation of the last northern white rhino to Uganda and integrate them with the few survivors from Garamba there.
It has been suggested before ... but at the time the Garamban authorities were again the major obstacle to the plan going through. Perhaps with this African Parks organisation a more realistic relationship can be made to work (if alas a little too much on the late side ....).
I consider Dvur 1 of the world leaders in rhino breeding and have more faith in their management capabilities AND their foresight in looking at possibilities to reintroduce some captive-born taxa to the wild (roans, buffalo and now perhaps black rhino too).
I would also like to ask you some questions regarding the other rhino species at Dvur. Is that at all within your scope? If so, I will put some questions in the black rhino forum!!!
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Posted: Feb 7 2008, 06:31 AM |
Dear Irek,
I am the Executive Director for Rhino Fund Uganda, and we have 6 Southern White Rhinos on our sanctuary - size is 7000ha with a 14 strand electric fence around the parameter. Our rhinos are monitored 24/7 by armed rangers and our breeding project is well under way with a rhino calf on its way - we're ecpecting our one female to give birth within the next couple of months. I see in previous posts that there is a possiblity of relocating the Northern Whites to Uganda. Can you please put me in touch with the correct people so I can see what I can do to get them here to us, as we have the only secured ranch in Uganda and we can provide these animals with the freedom they deserve and no threat of poachers. My contact email is: heidi@rhinofund.org and phone no: +256 77 271 3410 Hope to hear from you soon. Regards, Heidi Cragg
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Posted: Feb 12 2008, 09:10 PM |
Hi everyone,
On the website of the African Parks Foundation I read in the monthly report (january 2008) from Garamba National Park that they are preparing a white rhino capture in March and April! They will intensify the monitoring in the rhino sector in preparation of 'operation rhino'...?
Now this seems exciting news. I didn't find any information about what they are trying to achieve with this. Is it relocation? To another country or to a fenced area? I don't know.
Does anyone have any information about this proposed rhino capture?
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Posted: Apr 5 2008, 12:36 AM |
Please refer to the latest issue of Pachyderm vol 43, Jul-Dec 07 in the African Rhino Specialist Group Report, the strategic plan for the northern white rhino is spelled out to some extent. The report makes for very interesting reading.
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