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Posted: Oct 24 2007, 07:21 PM |
Thanks allot for sharing this with us Irek.
Sorry to hear, but these things happen. Any idea when the Berlin team will try again?
Next time (lets hope) will be a succsess...
Best Wishes
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Posted: Oct 24 2007, 08:49 PM |
Hi Irek, hi everyone,
Very sad news that the AI didn't work out. I was really really hoping that it would work so the northern whites had a glimmer of hope to hang on to. But all is not lost right? I suppose the Berlin team will keep on trying and hopefully succeed very soon.
Thank you Irek for keeping us posted regularly. Do you know if and when they are going to try the next insemination?
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Posted: Oct 25 2007, 12:01 AM |
Thanks for sharing Irek!
Hope you'll be able to try again. Also the situation in Garamba looks grim. Only 4 seem to be remaining and there's a possibility their all the same gender. I believe African parks is now in charge of the situation, and I hope the'll be able to secure this small white rhino population.
Irek do you have any news about new attempts and maybe extracting the Garamba Rhinos?
-------------------- Willem van Strien - Rhino Resource Center Admin
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Posted: Nov 1 2007, 08:17 AM |
Dear All,
I have been following your correspondence with interest. I am Heidi Cragg, E.D. for Rhino Fund Uganda. We have 6 Southern White Rhinos on our sanctuary here in central Uganda (the only rhinos currently in this country) and we believe that at least one of our females are pregnant.
I know for a fact that the previous E.D. tried to get some N.W. rhinos from Garamba early in 2005 when there were still around 20 left, but due to the situation in the country, the translocation has been politicised and the Garamba Park staff together with local communities in NE DRC and several government Ministers have been stirred up to rebel violently against the idea. With the lack of political stability in DRC, it was unrealistic for the translocation to go ahead. Very sad indeed!
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Posted: Nov 1 2007, 11:21 AM |
Dear Heidi,
Very good news indeed that rhinos are getting a second chance in Uganda. Hopefully this is a good start to a secure and prosperous future there! Too bad for the northern whites though. That's the species that should really roam the plains of Uganda. But any rhino is better than no rhino, off course.
Do you have more information on the situation of the few remaining northern whites in Garamba? Are they still trying to convince the DRC government to agree to translocation of the remaining animals to a safe haven in Uganda or Kenya?
Most information on the internet is so contradictory: some sites say there are no rhinos left in Garamba. Some say 2, 3 or 4. Some say both genders are still present. Others say the remaining animals are all the same gender so they can't reproduce.
One more question for you Heidi: what about black rhinos? Are there plans for reintroducing them to Uganda any time soon? I suppose it is the eastern black subspecies who used to live there?
Thank you for the information and keep up the good work in uganda!
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Posted: Nov 2 2007, 06:43 AM |
Dear Tom,
Thank you for your reply and good wishes! Unfortunately all I know for now is the same as you. I am though going to enquire to see if we can try to secure any N.W rhinos left in DRC, but to be quite honest - I'm not getting my hopes up on this one. 2 Black rhinos were given to UWA in August by Kruger National Park in South Africa, I am hoping that they will be given to our sanctuary, which I am busy negotiating, so fingers crossed on that one.
Regards Heidi
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Posted: Nov 22 2007, 11:21 PM |
I was reading this post and decided to do a search on black rhino in Uganda. Not that I found any new news, but have a look at this:
Look at the pictures and the caption. Why can't people not even get the species right when the write an article on it. Well, that's my little rant.
Anyway, any new developments at Dvur Kralove or Garamba?
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Posted: Dec 26 2007, 10:20 PM |
Hi ,Willem,
I regularly check the African Parks site for news on Garamba. Some info regarding the northern white rhinos in garamba may be found in the monthly reports under 'documents'. In november 2007 they found the tracks of an adult rhino. So they are still out there...
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Posted: Dec 27 2007, 09:39 PM |
Hello everyone,
Since the first artificial insemination of the northern white females at Dvur Kralove didn't succeed, I was wondering if and when they will give it another try. Since AI already worked on southern whites, they must have hope that it will work for the northern subspecies at DK too, no?
If anyone has news, please let me know.
Thank you!
And best wishes to everyone in 2008. Hopefully it will be a good year for our rhino friends too. With lots of babies...
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Posted: Jan 19 2008, 12:59 PM |
Hi Irek
Hope things are good with you. Was very nice and exciting to get all the feedback from you last year.
Thanking you for that.
Would be very good to hear how your heard of Northern rhinos are doing? Obviously also very keen to know where the Berlin team are at in their work to try to get the two females to conceive.
When you have time would be most grateful for some news.
All the Best
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Posted: Jan 20 2008, 05:41 PM |
Hello No news from Dvur. Cooperation with Berliners from IZW is finished without success. This year we let our male/males work alone. Hope better than before. Best regards Irek
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Posted: Jan 20 2008, 05:54 PM |
Hi Irek,
Thanks for your reply. Do you know the reason why the Berlin team doesn't work with the northern whites at DK anymore? Is it just temporary? I mean, are they going to resume their efforts to try AI on them? In the light of recent successes with the southern whites, it seems strange that they don't continue their work with the northern subspecies since it is in such a precarious position. But they will probably have their reasons I guess.
If you know anything, please let us know. Thank you!
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Posted: Jan 20 2008, 07:11 PM |
Thanks allot for your response Irek.
Your photos are great.
Honestly bit disappointed to hear the Berliners are not helping more for now.
It's a very slim chance they will made naturally, is it not? It's a common problem for white rhinos in zoos around the world. Well apart from reasonably big herds with plenty of space. Hope this has nothing to do with politics.
But thanks allot for keeping us informed.
All the Best
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