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Posted: Jul 24 2007, 07:12 PM |
Very interesting discussion.
Excited to get news from the Check republic, but it will be a big story, so I guess we will not hear about it straight away. Well maybe.
Anyway keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well.
There is another succsess story from the Cincinnaty zoo, they are expecting the first AI indian rhinoceros calf in 5 months time. Very well done.
Best Wishes and thanks allot.
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Posted: Jul 25 2007, 10:56 AM |
Hello Is there anybody who know something about that:
QUOTE | I've read article from link about northern white and there was information about samples of tissues and DNA analises. My question is: does anybody preserve those samples for cloning purpose? |
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Posted: Aug 1 2007, 08:00 PM |
The Wild Animal Park did retrieve copious amounts of tissue from our NWR that died 2 months ago. Our Dr. Matt Milne of CRES is cloning rhino estrogen receptor genes for a research project on reactions to plant phyto-estrogens. The thought is that the PPEs may inhiibit the function of the RER genes affecting reproduction as it does in sheep. His work will be done some time next year. That's all I know about for cloning. Jane
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Posted: Aug 2 2007, 05:04 PM |
Hello Thanks for information. But in San Diego You work on your samples- taken from Your animals. In text there was information that some samples were taken from wild animals in Garamba. I was/ am interested if that sampes were/are preserved for cloning purpose. I hope You will find way to clone big mammals like rhinos.
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Posted: Aug 3 2007, 04:26 PM |
hello, I have a question, do you know if it is possible to find physical differences between northern and southern whites ?
I was thinking about the hair on the body and on the ears... ??
If somebody can give me some details ? 
Thank you!
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Posted: Aug 4 2007, 08:39 AM |
Hi everyone,
The last aerial survey at Garamba conducted bij the African Parks Foundation found evidence of at least 3 individual northern whites. This survey was conducted in April 2007. On another site I read there were two adult males, one adult female and one juvenile male left.
Does anyone have other, more recent information?
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Posted: Aug 8 2007, 09:28 PM |
Hi everyone,
Since the insemination of the two females at Dvur Kralove occurred mid-June and we would have to wait about 40 days for the results, it should be known right now if one or both of the inseminations were succesful... no?
Irek, any news yet?
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Posted: Sep 8 2007, 11:52 AM |
Still no news from Dvur Kralove? I'm hoping no news is good news...?
I received an e-mail from African Parks. They are convinced there are still a couple of northern white rhinos in garamba. No animal has been poached in recent months so there is a very small chance the species could still be saved in the wild... Here's hoping.
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Posted: Sep 8 2007, 01:05 PM |
That's some great news Tom. Hope we hear some good news from Dvur Kralove aswell.
-------------------- Willem van Strien - Rhino Resource Center Admin
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Posted: Sep 8 2007, 02:48 PM |
Hello I have no news unfortunately. I hope we will know something during next few weeks. If there are still northern white in Garamba what government or someone responsible is going to do with them?
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Posted: Sep 12 2007, 05:49 PM |
Hi Irek,
Keep us posted off course.
The organisation African Parks is now responsible for Garamba and several other parks in Africa. Their survey in May or June found evidence of at least three northern whites of wich one female, but there could be more even. The main thing I guess would be to keep the rhinos safe from poaching and hope they manage to breed. If that's not the case I hope they will work on somekind of spectacular rescue operation. Since they reinforced and reinstated a lot more armed guards in the parks, poaching has decreased dramatically so that is good news, also for the elephant population and all the other animals. I hope they can manage to save the rhinos in the wild somehow, although chances of that happening are really slim with so few animals remaining. It would take a miracle I guess.
Anyway, I hope you and the team can work miracles at Dvur Kralove and make some baby rhinos!
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Posted: Sep 13 2007, 06:51 PM |
Hello Tom Thanks for reply. I think it would be fantastic if someone could take semen from that wild northern white males. I don't know if there are fast and easy way of collecting semen but... it would be a great. We have to remember that there were only 3 founders of Dvur Kralove population (Nasima- female, Sudan, Saut- males) no more animals from the wild have taken part in reproduction. We tryed to inseminate females with semen from SDWAP but semen disappired at airport and when appeared again it was in bad condition. I don't know if they will collect semen from Angalifu again. It would be good to have tissues of wild northern whites for cloning purpose in the future. Who has a power and do it? Best regards Irek
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Posted: Oct 21 2007, 01:04 PM |
Hi Irek
Any news from Dvur Kralove?
I saw this week that the Berlin team managed to inseminate the female white rhino from the Budapest zoo, for the second time back in June this year. And they managed to use frozen sperm. Such a great neews! Would be brilliant if they had some success with the ones you are looking after.
Anyway Best of Luck
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Posted: Oct 24 2007, 03:23 PM |
Hello. I have no good news. Both (Fatu and her mother Najin) aren't pregnant With Fatu it is for 100% with Najin for 99%. So next year is lost.
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Posted: Oct 24 2007, 03:44 PM |
That's so sad to hear! Do you know what caused this? Are they too old?
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