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Rhino Resource Center: Rhino Forums > Rhino Species > Black Rhino > Spoor Measurements

Posted by: Duncan Jul 20 2007, 02:34 PM

I have collected spoor measurements from seven black rhino over a number of years during a hand rearing project. We knew the age of each rhino and we weighed them each day. The result of all this data is that I am now producing a specialised ruler for use in the field. The idea is to measure the spoor and then get an indication of the age and/or weight of the rhino in question.

To strengthen my data set, I am looking for more spoor measurements where the age and/or weight of the rhino where known at the time of the spoor measurement.

Search for the paper on this web site;
Title "Using spoor to determine the age and weight of subadult black rhinoceroses." to see my first results

Many thanks

Posted by: Willem Jul 20 2007, 03:16 PM

Thanks for sharing this with us and for providing the PDF to the RRC. I hope someone will be able to provide you with data on the age and weight of black rhinos related to spoor measurement.

I also must say that I have removed the messages you posted in other categories, as I found this category most fitting. I hope you understand this.

Kind regards,
