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Black rhino+ dominant physical traits

New User

Posts: 1
Oct 24th - 22:02

Posted: Oct 24 2010, 10:12 PM
I am writing an elementary (ages 8-12) science curriculum for a zoo. I am trying to locate information about dominant physical traits in the black rhino. I am not having very good luck.

Sixth graders (ages 11-12) usually study very basic genetics and look at simple Punnett Squares. I would like them to figure out a simple monohybrid cross between dominant heterozygous traits. I just want to make sure that I show the naming of the alleles correctly for the trait. If the ears or lip have dominant and recessive characteristics, that would be great. But any observable trait would do.

Thanks for your help with this matter.

New User

Posts: 2
Jul 1st - 07:31

Posted: Jul 1 2014, 07:52 AM

Truth is we just do not know-YET. The black rhino genome and genetic (allele) patterns of inheritance are not well studied at all.

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